Tuesday, June 30, 2020

New video on Youtube: Light Genie - Model Railroad Lighting. Even a Novice Can Do

from: Model Rectifier Corp

https://modelrectifier.com/lightgenie 025000 MRC Light Genie – Transmitter & Receiver System Light Genie is a wireless system with a 2.4Ghz transmitter and 12 output receiver. Each output can control 2 incandescent bulbs or 4 or more LEDS. With a total of 12 outputs Light Genie can control an average of 24 light bulbs or 48 or more LEDs. The Genie receiver is broken down into 5 zones. Each Zone can independently turn on lights, as well as dim or brighten them. Each zone offers more than 20 different lighting effects including sequential flashing, strobe lighting, fast flicker to produce a fire effect, double strobe, random flash and many others. You can hook up a three bulb traffic light to a zone and another zone can operate a perpendicular traffic light that will automatically cycle in the opposite direction so they can control a 4 way corner. Each Genie offers a 90 foot operating range, works flawlessly in tunnels and penetrates walls without loss of signal, what’s more, multiple Genies can be used without any worries of cross interference. For a demo go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BiYj8Lq6TdA https://modelrectifier.com/lightgenie

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